Our elective course completed

Completion of the elective course: “Language Sensitive Education Addressing the Needs of Children with Migration Background” Between November 2020 and February 2021, students of the Institute of Applied Linguistics at AMU mastered the skills of preparing materials for classes including children with migration background, especially those whose fluency in the …

Welcome: Our first press release

https://amu.edu.pl/uniwersytet/z-zycia-uniwersytetu/newsy/mamlise-wyszkoli-nauczycieli MaMLiSE wyszkoli nauczycieli Jak lepiej i skuteczniej nauczać cudzoziemskie dzieci dowiedzą się nauczyciele, którzy wezmą udział w projekcie UAM dofinansowanym z Programu Erasmus+. Projekt MaMLiSE (Majority and Minority Languages in School Environment: Helping teachers, pupils and parents), przygotowany na Wydziale Neofilologii UAM otrzymał dofinansowanie od Narodowej Agencji Programu Erasmus+ …

Project kick-off: Minutes

Minutes of the first MaMLiSE TPMThe Transnational Kick-off Meeting (TPM1) was held on the 4th and 11th of December 2020. It was organized, due to Covid-19 restrictions, online by Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland via Google Meets and Zoom. 24 participants took part in the meeting.The goals of the …