The Teacher Training Centre (ODN) is a territorial self-government unit of the Wielkopolska Region. It has 70 years of experience in work with teachers. The Centre offers workshops, courses, conferences as well as support for educational institutions and schools in various activities. The main goals are to support both teachers and headteachers from educational institutions and schools and help them improve their qualifications.
The Teacher Training Centre is an organiser and partner of numerous regional and national educational enterprises. It runs educational projects financed at the national or EU level. The Centre holds accreditation of the Local Education Authority and ISO 9001:2008 certification and has participated in a few international programmes, e.g. 2007-2009 – Socrates programme. Comenius 2.1 – Project “Involve Parents. Improve schools” – involving parents in the educational and pedagogical process in the schools; and 2003-2006 – Socrates programme. Comenius 2.1 – Project “ABSENTEEISM. Strategies, Concepts and Materials to Fight Truancy”.
The main activities of The Centre:
• External continuous professional development for school’s teaching staff and managers;
• Internal continuous professional development for schools and educational institutions;
• Providing consulting and advisory services and feedback;
• Conducting qualifying and postgraduate courses for teachers enabling them to acquire new professional qualifications;
• Obtaining and distributing educational news.
Since 2018 the Teacher Training Centre in Poznan has also been offering seminars, training courses, workshops and consultations for teachers and headmasters of schools where migrant children learn.
Team members:
Mgr Ewa Superczyńska (manager) – Director of the Teacher Training Centre in Poznań, certified teacher, an expert on the professional promotion of teachers (for 23 years), the organizer of the Educational Fairs in Poznań. She graduated from the Academy of Agriculture in Poznań (currently the University of Life Sciences) with a degree in food technology, specialisation in human nutrition. She also completed numerous post-graduate studies: in curriculum development, coaching, organisation and management in education, distance learning. She is the author of textbooks in the field of teaching gastronomy subjects, materials for modular education in gastronomy and dietetics, editor-in-chief of the bimonthly issued by ODN in Poznań “Uczyć lepiej”. The coordinator of 5 national and international projects since 2006, e.g. : eSzkoła Wielkopolska Digital Children’s Encyclopedia Wielkopolan, the Centre Project Office Digital School Wielkopolska@ 2020, School of exercises, founded within EU POWER programme.
Dr Izabela Czerniejewska holds a PhD in Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology (granted by Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań in 2008). She is a Specialist in Foreign Children in schools in Ośrodek Doskonalenia Nauczycieli w Poznaniu (since 2018). She is also a researcher on migration and multicultural education in the Centre for Migration Studies at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań and a trainer at workshops and seminars on multicultural education for teachers, pupils, volunteers and representatives of NGOs.
Mgr Julia Karczewska: holds a Master’s Degree in Polish Philology (granted by Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań in 2003). She also graduated from postgraduate studies in Polish Glottopedagogy: Teaching the Polish Language as a Foreign Language (at Polish Academy of Sciences in 2015). She is a teacher trainer in ODN Poznań (since 2018). She is also an experienced teacher. She has been teaching in public schools (subject: Polish Language) since 2003, and Polish as a Second Language (since 2017). Additionally, since 2016 she has been Polish language instructor in courses organized for foreigners by Migrant Info Point. She has also been nominated for the panel granting teaching qualification for the Polish language at schools abroad (since 2019).
Mgr Ewa Górczak, M.A. in English Philology (AMU in 1995), postgraduate studies in Ethics for Teachers (AMU, 2014), Consultant for Foreign Language Teachers in ODN since 2015, teacher in public high schools – subject: English Language (since 1999), Teacher Training College – subjects: methodology, descriptive grammar, practical grammar, phonetics, communication (2005-2014), examiner of public schools’ external exams (since 2004), trainer at workshops in ODN (since 2003);