‘The Open Day in Athens, held on the 28th May 2003, turned out to be a very fruitful and productive meeting of around 52 participants who were teachers, researchers, education consultants in migration, representing the Ministry of Education, academics, parents who wanted to be part of this venture as members of the broader educational community and other professionals working with migrants. During the Open Day, MaMLiSE partners from Greece had the opportunity to present the aims and scope of the project, best practices from the Intercultural High School of Ioannina, the content of the workshops through concrete examples, the online platform and its activities as well as the main results and conclusions of the project. Attendants had the opportunity to check the material themselves and do some hands on activities in the platform. They also received a welcome package with printed material from the Project, they received a certificate of attendance and enjoyed refreshments and snacks in the school yard of the historic ‘Maraslio’ building which hosted the event with the support of the University of Athens. The event concluded with a vivid discussion between participants who highlighted the importance of the MaMLiSE project for Greece, urged the partners of the project to support teacher training in schools that host multilingual students as well as an additional demand for training the trainers who will be performing the teacher training. CTI and the Intercultural High School of Ioannina are committed to continuing teacher training and support on demand after the end of the project with the collaboration of all MaMLiSE partners and especially with the cooperation of AMU who is the project coordinator.’